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  • Scheduling: 


  • Mon 9:30 am – 12 pm and 1 pm - 5:30 pm

  • Tues 9:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:30 pm – 7:15 pm

  • Wed: 11 am – 6 pm

  • Thurs 9:30 am – 12 pm and 1 pm - 6:45 pm


  • Missed or Cancelled Appointments:


  • I will be as flexible as I can with respect to changing appointments.

  • I request at least one working day’s notice for cancellations of scheduled appointments.

  • Appointments cancelled less than one working day in advance will be charged for time reserved unless I am able to fill the time.


  • Billing:


  • Payment is appreciated at the time of the visit or on receipt of bill, though weekly clients will be billed at the end of each month. Monthly statement will be sent if there is a balance at the end of the month.

  • You can send in payment in the following ways

  • You may use Zelle ( for payment, linked to; make sure you type TWO w’s, not one. It is also linked to (917) 621-6615.

  • You may use PayPal (; make sure you type TWO w’s, not one) by going directly to their website; it’s linked to my email

  • You can give my assistant credit card information (Visa/Mastercard/American Express).

  • You can send payment in by check to my office address above.

  • Fees below full fee will be increased by ~2-5% at the start of each year, never to exceed full fee.

  • In the event that you are temporarily unable to pay your bill, please discuss it with me, and I will do my best to set up a payment schedule with you.

  • Accounts overdue for more than 60 days may be charged a monthly late fee of 5% of the total balance overdue. In some cases, sessions will be temporarily stopped, except in an emergency, until payment is received.

  • In addition, accounts overdue by more than 90 days may be turned over to a collection agency.


  • Fees:


  • Psychiatric Evaluation (scheduled as one 120 minute appt or two 60 minute appts):

    • $1200

  • Additional sessions are sometimes necessary for an evaluation and will be billed at the rates listed below

    • $525 for 30 minutes

    • $575 for 45 minutes

    • Sessions lasting 60 minutes or longer

      • $625 per hour

  • Meetings with schools/NY Department of Education/other groups, forensic/legal write-ups, or court testimony, etc

    • $575/hour (including transportation, when relevant)

  • In some cases discussed ahead of time, psychopharmacology appointments can be made for 15 minutes for $315; if the session runs over 15 minutes, the above fees will be charged

  • In cases where fees have been negotiated to a lower than full rate, fees will be increased approximately 2.5-5% annually.


  • Appointments/Clinical Issues:

    • I recommend psychopharmacology appointments be regular, with a frequency every 1 or 2 weeks for as long as it takes for the psychiatric needs to be safely met and then no less frequently than every 2-4 weeks thereafter until after a prolonged period of remission.

    • Once one reaches solid remission, I recommend follow-up appoints every 4-16 weeks, depending on clinical conditions.

    • These recommendations will be individualized for each patient

    • Phone and email check-in’s are very important between appointments.

    • During the start of a new medication or a change in a medication, I recommend phone or email check-in’s (in addition to scheduled in-office appointments) as follows:

      • 24 hours after a start of a medication or medication change

      • 48 hours after

      • 1 week after

      • Every 1-2 weeks after

      • These recommendations will be individualized for each patient

    • Routine clinical concerns should be directed to me at (917) 566-5798. Please leave your phone number and a good time to call with every message.

    • Please call me on my emergency line (917) 621-6615 at any time for urgent or emergent matters.

    • If I cannot be promptly reached in an emergency, you should go to the nearest emergency room or call ‘988’.

    • Alcohol and recreational drugs should be eliminated or at least minimized. Any past or current use of alcohol or recreational drugs should always be discussed with me.

    • Any prescription and non-prescription medical medications should be discussed with me prior to starting new medications or changing medications.

    • Consent for release of information should be discussed and signed so that it is clear with whom I am allowed to speak.

    • If, at any point and for whatever reason, you feel a consultation/second opinion/transfer of care would be helpful, I will gladly help facilitate such a consultation with a colleague that I recommend or a clinician whom you have contacted.  If, at any point I feel a feel a consultation/second opinion/transfer of care would be helpful, I will discuss this with you.


  • Insurance:


  • I do not accept any insurance or insurance payments, nor am I on any insurance panels.

  • My invoices are in the forms of generic insurance reimbursement forms, which you can complete and send to insurance for reimbursement; make sure that everything is filled out completely and that the form is copied for your records prior to sending it in for reimbursement.

  • When you are seeking such “out-of-network” coverage, please coordinate all communications with insurance companies.

  • I am not a Medicare or Medicaid provider.

  • Payment of the bill is independent of and not contingent on reimbursement from insurance.


  • Email Communication:


  • If email communication is not clear or timely, contact me or my assistant by telephone or come in person to discuss. 

  • Email is not a substitute for in-office clinical care.

  • E-mail communication is part of the medical record.

  • I do not use regularly use text/SMS messaging in my practice, and please do not send any urgent communications through text/SMS.

  • I use business level Gmail (which is encrypted only at the level of the server, but not at the level of the recipient, making it not HIPAA-compliant); please note:

    • All E-mail communication, encrypted or unencrypted, is vulnerable to privacy violations.

    • If you do not wish to use Gmail, you can opt out of regular email and can use instead the encrypted, password-protected, HIPAA-compliant MDOfficemail, which you can discuss with Dr. Wilson, or you can simply use the phone to contact my office.


  • Telephone Communications:


  • Telephone communication requiring 30 minutes of time or more will be charged at my hourly rate.


  • Written Letters, Reports, Summaries or Depositions:


  • Please give me as much notice as possible when requesting written letters or summaries.

  • I will give clients and families of clients copies of drafts of written communications for review prior to sending out the communications to third parties.

  • I request that clients and families of clients sign a release of information prior to the dissemination of written communication to third parties.

  • Written letters, reports or summaries requiring 30 minutes of time or more will be charged at my hourly rate.


  • Testifying for Legal/Forensic Matters


  • Testifying will be charged at my hourly rate and include time spent traveling to and from the office.

  • I am not a forensic psychiatrist; when relevant, I will recommend a forensic psychiatrist to work with you.


  • Home or School Visits:


  • Home and school visits will be charged at my hourly rate and include time spent traveling to and from the office.


  • Refilling Prescriptions:


  • For all other medications, notify me 1-2 business days in advance of running out.

  • Contacting me in advance of weekends and vacations is helpful.

  • Please contact me for every refill request, even if you have contacted your pharmacy.

  • If you are leaving messages for refills, please leave your name, phone number, pharmacy phone number, name of medication, and pill size.

  • Beginning March, 2016, physicians in New York will no longer be able to use written prescriptions; we will only be allowed to use electronic prescribing.

  • Controlled substances must be carefully contained; I will not always be able to replace lost, misplaced, damaged, or stolen controlled medications.


  • Other:


  • If you cannot contact me in the case of an emergency or if I am not able to return your email or call fast enough to meet your urgent needs, please go to your nearest emergency room or call ‘988’.

  • For children and adolescents under 18 years of age, all legal guardians must agree to allow treatment to begin prior to the commencement of treatment.

  • Parents, please be proactive in getting me regular updates from school personnel, tutors, babysitters/nannies, etc. Feel free to give my contact information to school personnel, tutors, etc. Please be proactive in obtaining appropriate symptom scales from me to be given to appropriate personnel.

  • My web page ( contains some of the symptom scales I give to teachers. It contains information on psychiatric problems and medications. The page is periodically updated with information about my practice (e.g., time away, changes in schedule).

  • Please be proactive in obtaining requested laboratory tests and directing the lab or physician to fax me the lab results.

  • Please be proactive in facilitating communication between any other clinicians involved in your care and myself.

  • For children and adolescents in psychotherapy, I like to meet with parents on a regular basis (e.g., monthly); I like these appointments to be separate from your child’s regular appointments.

  • I will always review verbally the potential risks and benefits of all medications used, and will either give you printed packets of treatment risks and benefits or will email you the packets. I have posted the risks and benefits of many of these medications on my web site. I can direct you to other forms of written information regarding the same risks and benefits. Please ask me at any time to review these risks and benefits.

  • For clients requesting 3-month supplies of medications, please secure these 3-month amounts of medications in a locked container away from children. Psychiatric medications can be deadly in overdose. If you request a 3-month supply of a controlled substance, please note that in the event of losing/misplacing all or part of the 3-month supply, I will not be able to replace any part of that supply. Please dispose of any medications no longer being used.

  • Confidentiality: Information regarding evaluation and ongoing treatment can only be disclosed with written permission of the client or the legal guardian of the child or adolescent client. Exceptions to confidentiality include legislation and professional codes of conduct that require mental health providers to “break confidentiality” when (1) the client presents themselves at being at risk of imminent danger to themselves or to others; (2) when a child or adolescent client is suspected to be at risk of child abuse or neglect; (3) when there is a court subpoena for the patient records maintained by the clinician and/or clinician testimony; (4) when insurance companies gather information about a client’s treatment in the process of reimbursing clients for out-of-network treatment. In the event that an exception to confidentiality occurs, I will notify the client and legal guardian of the child or adolescent prior to releasing any information.

  • *PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING, REGARDING THE 2013 NEW YORK I-STOP (PRESCRIPTION MONITORING PROGRAM DATABASE) LAW: It is now mandatory that all physicians prescribing controlled substances consult with a state's prescription monitoring program database each time a prescription for a controlled substance is written.  Aside from consulting the database and discussing any related issues with one's clients, there are no further legal obligations of any sort.  I will be legally obligated to consult with this database as above, and, if any issues related to this database come up, I will discuss those issues directly with my clients. To comply with this law, I will no longer be able to post-date prescriptions for controlled substances except in the context of travel or camp).

  • Always request refills from me directly, even if you’ve already notified your pharmacy.

  • Always send me copies of insurance cards whenever insurance changes or a prior authorization is needed.

  • For those prescribed stimulant medications or Strattera, please:

    • Buy an electronic wrist blood pressure/heart rate cuff from either Amazon, Hammacher Schlemmer, Brookstone, or Sharper Image, and periodically let me know the measurements, especially during an appointment.

    • Update me on current weight and height around the time of each appointment.

  • Always request a new release of information sheet for any new therapist(s) or clinician(s) involved in your care.

  • At the start of each telehealth session, I will ask where you are located and whether you have full privacy for your telehealth session.

  • Some Federal and specific State laws regulating the treatment of patients across state lines were loosened in response to COVID-19, but the loosening may return to pre-pandemic strictness when the pandemic is safely contained. My ability to work with patients outside of NY will likely evolve, possibly requiring transfers of care.I promise to approach that carefully and thoughtfully with you.

  • I am also the Executive Medical Director of the Center for Wise Mind Living (, a psychotherapy group I co-founded with Erin Olivo, PhD, the Executive Clinical Director.

  • With respect to letters for emotional support pets, I can write a letter stating you are in my care, your diagnosis, and that your pet provides you support (generally). I cannot say it’s a formal recommended medical accommodation.

  • As a physician, I am committed to ensuring that my patients receive appropriate medical care and treatment. You can get information about your rights and how to report professional misconduct by visiting

  • You can send in payment in the following ways

    • You may use Zelle; it is linked to; make sure you type TWO w’s, not one.

    • You may use PayPal; it is linked to markwwilsonmdpc/; make sure you type TWO w’s, not one.

    • You can give my assistant credit card information.

    • You can send payment in by to my office address.



office (917) 566-5798

emergency (917) 621-6615



©2018 by Mark W. Wilson, MD, PC. Proudly created with

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